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About us


We connect capital with opportunities growth.

We competently lead the market trends in the building and management of assets, creating opportunities for our partners to increase their revenue.


We believe in the synergy between business growth and community wellbeing.

We strive to build and manage projects that bring added value not only to our tenants and partners, but also to the end users and visitors of our sites, by contributing to the improvement of the communities and their urban environment.



We have built and keep growing a team of exceptional and proven professionals.

Vision ahead

We are capable of analyzing and evaluating the potential of future profitable projects.


We build stable and long-term relationships with partners and customers.


We invest in projects that improve the quality of life of end users and contribute to the wellbeng of the community and the urban environment.


We established Trinity Capital AD in 2019 with the aim of building and maintaining a good competitive environment, forming professional market behavior and constantly expanding our market positions.

Although short, the history of our company is marked by rapid growth, which has brought the company to a leading position among investors in commercial real estate in Bulgaria.

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Rentable area


The main focus of Trinity Capital AD is the development of new projects in the field of commercial and business real estate. We purchase already built and operating assets with development potential or create new ones, carrying out the entire process from potential analysis, development concept, site acquisition, attracting partners, construction and subsequent management.

Rapid growth

In just three years, Trinity Capital AD has already acquired and manages over 136,000 sq.m. commercial spaces, with 100% occupancy of 85 international and local brands. We plan to build, expand and acquire another 55,000 sq.m. in the coming years and in this way firmly establish ourselves as a leader in the market of commercial space in the Balkans.

The retail parks success

The concept of retail parks has been established in the west for many years with great success due to its accessibility, the type of tenant mix aimed at the widest profile of users, as well as the open type of parking for quick and convenient access. 

Trinity Capital AD owns and manages four retail parks at the moment: 

  • Retail Park Jumbo plaza – the largest retail park in Bulgaria with a commercial area of 30,000 sq.m., with an upcoming expansion to 85,000 sq.m. commercial area
  • XOPark Yambol – 12,000 sq.m. commercial area
  • XOPark Haskovo – 6,000 sq.m. commercial area
  • XOPark Plovdiv – 6,000 sq.m., with an upcoming expansion to 8,500 sq.m. commercial area.

Нашият екип

Експертност, доказана с годините, отдаденост и визионерство са в основата на екипа на Тринити Кепитъл.

Стоян Колев

Изпълнителен Директор

Иван Начков

Главен оперативен директор

Мария Атанасова

Финансов директор

Симона Първанова

Директор Лизинг и Маркетинг

Петър Попов

Ръководител правен отдел

Милослав Дяков

Ръководител технически отдел

Елена Рангочева

Ръководител управление на собствеността